Robert Szustkowski, an entrepreneur and philanthropist living abroad, in an interview for the Nasze Miasto portal, addresses a burning problem of contemporary media: disinformation and lack of responsibility for publishing false content. Szustkowski appeals for respect for people’s dignity, a good personal image and the responsibility of the media for providing false information.

Personal experiences with the media

For years, Szustkowski has been struggling with media accusations, which – as he claims – are untrue and manipulative. Despite favorable court rulings, in which it was found that the publications violated his personal rights, this information is still repeated in the media. Szustkowski talks about a media “lynching” in which he was linked to the Russian mafia, the tapes scandal or wild reprivatization. The media are not interested in positive information, and affairs, accusations and scandals attract readers, often without checking the truthfulness of the described facts.

Lack of information about won cases

Despite winning cases, the media are reluctant to report on closed cases and their results. Szustkowski emphasizes that the manipulation of facts makes it look as if he was accused of something. He adds that he brought all the cases against journalists and media publishers himself, and at the same time he was never accused of anything. His proposal to extend the EU directive “Right to be forgotten” to the media is a bold and necessary initiative.

The need to protect one’s good name in the era of digitalization

Szustkowski notes that in the era of digitalization, individuals must have tools to effectively protect their good name. Current regulations, although they provide a certain level of protection for personal data, are not enough to counteract the lasting effects of media slander. Szustkowski’s example shows how easy it is to become a victim of disinformation, and winning cases do not always end the matter.

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