On Friday, a piece was published on the villa of the head of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński, citing the circumstances of the purchase transaction of the house, presented by the media.

Robert Szustkowski’s position

After the publication, Robert Szustkowski responded to the matter. In his statement, he rejected the allegations referring to his activities and alleged connections with the Russian network of influence in Poland. Szustkowski emphasized that his cooperation with entities from the former USSR ended in 2008 and since then he has not derived any benefits from it nor represented anyone’s interests.

Reasons for silence in the media

Szustkowski explained that his silence in the media resulted from the belief that it is not worth engaging in public discourse with people spreading conspiracy theories. However, when his family was also attacked in the latest publication in “Newsweek”, he decided to speak out. He stressed that the allegations against him are the result of manipulation and time distortion, suggesting that his former business contacts are currently being used to create false narratives. In his statement, Szustkowski emphasized that honor is very important to him and quoted Władysław Boziewicz, the author of the Polish code of honor from 1919.

Apologies and explanations

Szustkowski apologized to people close to him for not reacting to media slander for years, explaining that he had handed each case over to a law firm. He emphasized that court cases last for years, and absurd slander is constantly repeated by people who have their own interests in it.

Source: https://goniec.pl/robert-szustkiewicz-odpowiedzi-na-publikacje-ws-domu-adama-glapinskiego-s-jsch-300324